Sunday, August 3, 2008

Jika Anda ingin berbahagia selama satu jam, silakan tidur siang. Jika Anda ingin berbahagia selama satu hari, pergilah berpiknik. Bila Anda ingin berbahagia seminggu, pergilah berlibur. Bila Anda ingin berbahagia selama sebulan, menikahlah. Bila Anda ingin berbahagia selama setahun, warisilah kekayaan. Jika Anda ingin berbahagia seumur hidup, cintailah pekerjaan Anda.

Promod Brata
"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think."

Benjamin Disraeli1804-1881,
British Statesman and Prime Minister
When is it Best to Design Websites in Black?

Colour is important to design, especially in designing for the web. many shops use the web as a sales tool now & using the correct colours can generate more sales, although picking the wrong colours can mean that fewer users & fewer sales.
Finding out about the psychology of colour is crucial for all website designers if they want to compose a successful web-site. This is because different colours affect humans in different ways, & can influence emotions & moods. this means that your colour choice could upset your users if you don't get it right.
Colour can also be used to guide users to a specific area of the page. For example, you may want a user to click the purchase now button, which means that making it bold is extremely vital.
Here's a guide to how different colours influence & affect humans:
White is a minimalist colour. linked to simplicity, cleanliness & purity, it can be used to highlight images.
Yellow is linked with comfort, liveliness, energy and joy. it is a vibrant colour that can be used to highlight specific areas on a web page.
The colour red can summon feelings of passionate, courage and strength. it is a strong colour and if used in small doses, it's great for highlighting points.
The colour black can be linked to death, mourning, power and style. many metal bands use black as their main colour due to its associations with death and evil.
Yellow summons visions of summer, joy and optimism. its a colour that can be overwhelming and if used in conjunction with black, it creates a warning feel.
Just like yellow, red is associated with love, sex and energy. it can also be overpowering if overused, although its fabulous to attract attention.
Grey can be linked with respect, humility, decay and boredom. it's used a lot to form shiny gradients in designing for the world wide web to give a slick, futuristic feel to a web site.
Orange is strongly related to spirituality and healing. it's the colour that represents Buddhism and its a calming energy about it. it's a bold colour that is not as lively as yellow yet not a deep as red.
Brown, particularly the the lighter end can have a calming effect.
Beige is also a popular colour in designing web sites because it provides an earthy and relaxed feel. it might also mean tradition, poverty and nature.
Grey can be linked to refinement, innovation and the future. The paler side is similar to white in that it's a fabulous colour to use on a website's background to form a sense of space and modernism.
It is evident that colours do not just make a website look alluring, although they also have an underlying effect of user experience and can thus dictate how successful a site can be. getting the colours right can create a web site that users can identify and will make them more willing to use, explore and promote the web site to friends. picking incorrect colours can accidentally put users off and have them leave your site for somebody elses.

Preston Reed Slap Guitar

Quote of the day

A dog thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me. They must be Gods!
A cat thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me. I must be a God!

Make winning a habit, hope is not a strategy

Orang yang pintar cenderung bersembunyi dari kepintaran dengan cara tampil bodoh, sementara orang bodoh menyembunyikan kebodohannya dengan cara terlihat pintar

Friday, August 1, 2008

"If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough."

Oprah WinfreyTelevision Host,
Actress and Producer