Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Angelina-Tommy Emmanuel


Sweet song by Tommy Emmanuel

Monday, July 28, 2008

Roll Royce Phantom

My next car....



"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." ~ John Quincy Adams

"Leadership is based on a spiritual quality; the power to inspire, the power to inspire others to follow." ~ Vince Lombardi

"Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


I have often wondered why most companies have a creative department with a limited number of people, usually a very small percentage of the people which are on the payroll.
Every department in a company is a creative department as long as the department has people in it. All people are creative. Creativity has its root in the creator which is within each of us. As you permit the higher side of your nature to express itself in a greater way for good in your life, you are being creative.
There are an enormous number of people who deprive themselves of many of the joys life offers because they believe they are not creative.
"Musicians are creative, writers, artists and designers are creative but I'm not."
You should realize there are creative auto-mechanics, carpenters, secretaries and warehouse people. There are lawyers, accountants and dentists who are creative.
Creativity has absolutely nothing to do with what you do but it has everything to do with how you do it. William James said, "Creativity is the ability to think in unhabitual ways."
Pay particular attention today to the various people you come in contact with. Observe closely how these people apply themselves to their jobs.
Some will be an absolute symphony in every move they make. It will be obvious they have given creative thought to their work while others move in a very mechanical way. If they are asked to do anything which may be out of the norm you may very well hear the reply, "I'm sorry, that is not my job." There are definite self-imposed limitations to their activity.
They have never learned that they are a truly dynamic being with limitless creative potential in every fiber of their being. Nor have they learned that this creative potential is awaiting recognition from them.
You have the opportunity to express your creativity staring you in the face every minute. If you haven't begun to express it, do so today.

Bob Proctor

Sunday, July 27, 2008

What is Brain/Ear Reference ??

We know that hearing and listening are two different facts. For instance if we don't know Chinese, we will not understand if somebody speaking Chinese (Yes sure, yeah :-)) Not so much familiar people may confuse French versus Italian. By the same logic, as an example if we don't know viola sound well, we may confuse it quite easily with a violin playing at upper octaves or with a cello playing at the lower octaves. If we are not so much familiar with a live acoustic sound of a violin, we can not identify which record or which equipment reproduces the most natural sounds.
Hearing happens 24 hours a day even in sleeping mode. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to hear our alarm clock or screaming of our boy. Our brain scans every sound but rejects unimportant ones for the one. Brain does not only scan and select the sounds, but processes them actively. If a viola sound is heard, brain recall the memory, compare with experiences and historical events and decide if it is viola or not. Listening, in other words can be described as active hearing. If brain does not participated to the process, it is called hearing but not listening.
Have you listened your recorded voice ?, You liked it ? Was that similar to your voice or quite different. Everybody else will agree that it is your voice except you ! Our voice is transmitted to a listener directly via his/her ear but it is transmitted to us by internal vibrations as well as externally by ear, so sounds different. This is the brain reference. Brain reference for our voice is what we heard in our life.
Brain will decide if the sound is coming from piano or from a violin. The fact for such a judgement is our memory. If someone who did not listen piano in live acoustic concert properly, his brain reference for piano will be the one "was listened in a good hi-end system", may be his own system. He will obviously distinguish the piano sound immediately but may not like it or may not find it realistic or natural. If this is the case, how do we choose our equipments and how we will realize which system or component is better ? Is the only way to trust Stereophile or Absolute Sound writers, I believe the key element is to attend live acoustic concerts (not amplified) as much as possible and locate to the performers as close as possible. This is a must to adjust our brain references.
A couple of examples here. A friend who visited us heard my daughter who was playing piano in her room, went to her room. He did not like the sound of the piano at all. He said that a piano can not be such a dark and dull. No inner details, no resolution nothing !! Our piano surely can not play at the same league with a long Steinway&Sons but it is a live piano, live music and we are only few centimetres away. I know he likes such piano records that the mikes were located inside of the piano body and every inner timbre was recorded and boosted. Even the musician himself can not hear such details. His brain reference served him his memory of piano sounds and once he listened a real piano, he found it unrealistic.
Years ago, when I commenced attending the regular concerts of Istanbul Symphony Orchestra, I found the sound do dull at that time. The sound was as if covered by a cloth. Mid and upper frequencies were not exist. Timpani and the big drum was kicked like hell but their sounds were not killing powerful. I got used to it in time and perceived the neutrality and the purity of the non coloured sounds. A couple of months ago I invited an audiophile friend who does not attend to acoustic concerts. He was shocked. He told that the entire orchestra was covered by something, there was no details and upper frequencies, sound was so soft and gentle. He said that he can not perceive the violins, rustles of soprano, drums are not shaking the floor. We were located only at the raw. During the entire concert, he strived to find the reasons but never judged his brain references. It is obvious that we will not like our systems each other due to our expected sounds and brain reference points are different.
May be the last example that; years ago, we visited an audiophile friend for a long listening session. He is very good audiophile and very good music listener too. He used to have very good systems. Please see his system for more details ; Mufit Olcar We listened mostly classics for hours and admired the sound of the system. When we wanted to try our own reference CD's (Patricia Barbers, etc) his system sink and disappointed us. Actually we should have judged our own brain references but not the system. We had coloured our systems to achieve more details but estranged by neutrality.
We, most of the audiophiles make this fault unconsciously. We load our brain references with wrong information then accuse better systems, better equipments, better sounds even better records. We don't like the sounds of better systems, we can not come to an agreement or can not compromise on fundamentals due to our own particular brain references

Dream Car

Another dream car............Maybach Exelero

Seven Ways to Attract More Money

Seven Ways to Attract More Money
by Dr. Joe Vitale

Want to attract more money?
Wondering why you haven't attracted it when you've done everything you thought you needed to do?
What really works when it comes to attracting more money, anyway?
I've been studying the Law of Attraction for more than three decades. I've written several books about it, including The Attractor Factor and The Key. That's why I ended up in the movie The Secret, and then on Larry King and Donny Deutsch's televison shows, among others. I know how the Law of Attraction works, and I know why so many people don't clearly understand it.
When it comes to the Law of Attraction, most people want to learn how to use it to attract more money first. After that, they'll wonder how to attract romance, cars, homes, happiness, and everything else. But money is the starting place for most people.
So, how do you attract more money?
When it comes to attracting anything -- and money in particular -- there are seven ways to do it right. Here they are:

1. Give Money Away
It sounds counter-intuitive but the more you give, the more you will receive (unless you block the receiving, which ties into the next step). Give openly and freely to wherever you received spiritual nourishment. Give on a regular basis, too. The rule of thumb is to give 10% of whatever you receive, but it's also smart to give more when you feel inspired to do so.
Remember, give to the person, place, or group that has kept your spirit alive. Just ask "Where was I most inspired this past week?" and give to that source. And ask the question daily or weekly as the source will often change.
Here's an inside tip: When most people give money, they do it with a tight fist. They don't give much. Why not? Because they're afraid. They're holding on. Well, the energy of fear will attract more things to fear. Instead, give money with an open heart and an expectation of return. Give in love.

2. Get Clear
Most people push money away with their hidden limiting beliefs, such as "money is bad" or "rich people are evil." Those are beliefs, not facts. Get clear of them and money will come to you (as long as you also do the next step).
Getting clear is truly "The Missing Secret" to making the Law of Attraction work for you all the time. After all, it isn't your conscious intentions that are being manifested in your life, it is your un-conscious counter-intentions.
For example, when you set a goal on New Year's day to stop smoking or date more, what happened the next week? You gave up your conscious goal for your un-conscious belief that you couldn't do it. You weren't in alignment with your intention. You werent' "clear."
Most likely in your unconscious mind you have limiting beliefs about money, such as -
a.. "Money is evil."b.. "Money will attract problems."c.. "Money will make me a selfish person."d.. "Wanting money is greedy."e.. "Rich people are snobs."
If you have one or more of those limiting beliefs within you, do you really think you'll attract any money? In truth, you'll attract NOT having money.
Why? Because your unconscious counter-intention ("Money is bad") will veto your conscious intention ("I now attract more money into my life").
Is it any wonder some people say the movie The Secret or the Law of Attraction doesn't work? Obviously, once you clear those hidden blocks/beliefs to your success, your success has nothing in the way of happening. The roadblocks are gone.
I talk about ways to get clear in my new audioprogram, "The Missing Secret." One thing you can do right now is to simply question your beliefs. Become a belief detective and look for those limiting beliefs about money. When you release your inner blocks, you will attract more money.

3. Take Action
Too many people sit and wait for money to materialize in front of them. I believe in magic and miracles, but I also believe that your role in the process of attracting money is to actually do something to bring it your way. Act on your ideas. Now. "Money likes speed" is my favorite mantra.
If you don't act now, you'll see your idea manifested in a store some day and somebody else will be attracting money from it. What can you do right now, today, to move toward creating something that will attract more money? Whatever it is, do it.
When you doubt and second-guess yourself instead of taking action, you are demonstrating that you aren't yet clear (see second tip above) about money and your right to attract it. Act now and get rich.

4. Support a Cause
Most people push money away because they don't feel they deserve it. One way around this (while you still work on getting clear inside yourself) is to want money for a larger purpose. I created Operation YES to end homelessness. Raising hundreds of thousands of dollars (or more) for that cause will remove any remaining prosperity limitations within me. While I won't receive a dime from Operation YES, my working on its behalf will attract money to me in other ways, such as the contacts and goodwill I'll create.
In short, want money for a larger reason than your own ego. This is a beautiful way to attract more money without wanting it only for yourself. Realize that when you are wealthy, you are better able to help family, friends, your community, and even the world. A good reason to attract more money is for all the good it can do for others, not just you. Ask yourself what cause would you support (or even create) once you attracted more money?

5. Get Support
One of the wisest things you can do to achieve any goal is create or join a master mind group devoted to it. I co-authored Meet and Grow Rich with Bill Hibbler for this reason: to teach you how to create a support group.
The idea is to be around people who can keep your energy and inspiration high. While you can make progress alone, it's so much easier when you have support.
This support can also come in the way of audiotapes, books, and other learning tools. I've been buying audios from Nightingale-Conant for more than thirty years for just that reason: it helps me stay focused on constantly growing and improving. Even when I was struggling, I went to the library and borrowed books and tapes to keep me informed and inspired. Today I can afford to buy my own materials, but it's only because I invested in my education every step along the way.
I created "The Missing Secret" audio set to help people understand the practical use of the Law of Attraction. Again, all of this is support in helping you attract more money.
6. Be Grateful
This is huge. Be thankful for the money you have - which is probably considered true wealth by people starving in third world countries - and you'll begin to attract more money. Gratitude sends off a signal of appreciation, which brings to you more to be thankful for. Begin with whatever is in this moment that you can be sincerely grateful for.
After I was homeless and while I was still experiencing poverty, I began this exercise by holding a pencil and being grateful for it. Once I truly experienced gratitude, it shifted my energy vibe so I could then experience more to be grateful for. Today I have much to be thankful for - from houses to cars to collectible guitars -- but it all began with a pencil.
Look around and ask yourself what you are grateful for right now. Then get into that feeling.

7. Do what you Love
There's no sense in working at something you hate. If you are currently at a job you don't like, find a way to enjoy it for the time you are there while working towards doing your passion. Following your passion is the greatest secret of all when it comes to attracting wealth.
Everyone from Donny Deutsch to Donald Trump to Bill Gates to little ole me agree that passion (combined with the other steps above) is your ticket to financial freedom. Even when I worked for oil companies back in Houston and didn't like my work, I found ways to do what I loved. I wrote my first book on my lunch hours. I spoke on weekends and sold my book in the back of the room. Over time, doing what I love became my life. And today it's my moment by moment wonder.
Ask yourself what you would do even if you were never paid. That's a clue to what you should be doing and of course finding a way to be paid for it. You can attract more money from love.
Finally, expect success.
The mindset of expectation - expecting that you are now attracting money and playfully looking around, asking "I wonder how big money will come to me today?" - will keep your brain turned on to seek and find opportunities. You of course then have to take fearless action when you see them.
Go for it!
Dr. Joe Vitale

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Insight of The Day

"Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them."

W. Clement Stone1902-2002, Author and Businessman

My favourite car.....